Coffee is one of the most studied foods for its effects on health. Scientific evidence shows that moderate coffee consumption – the equivalent of 3 to 5 cups of coffee – can be beneficial to a person’s wellbeing as part of a healthy, balanced diet and active lifestyle.
Moderate coffee consumption translates as follows to Nespresso:
- Original: moderate caffeine intake translates as 3 to 5 cups
- Professional/B2B: moderate caffeine intake translates as 2 to 5 cups
- Vertuo: moderate caffeine intake translates as 2 to 3 cups for the Mugs, Gran Lungos and Double Espressos. For the Altos the number is 2, and for the Espressos 2 to 5.
The Nespresso coffee ranges contain only roast and ground coffee. No additives are present and our Flavored range contains naturally-derived flavorings only.
An unsweetened, black cup of coffee is naturally low in calories, containing approximately 1kcal for a cup of Original coffee, and approximately 2kcals for a cup of Vertuo coffee. For flavoured coffee, the caloric content increases slightly to approximately 2kcal for a cup of Original coffee and 4kcal for a cup of Vertuo coffee.
A plain cup of black coffee contains almost no fat – just around 0.02g (valid for all Nespresso coffees). Of course, if you dress up your coffee with extras such as full milk or cream, then fat is added.

Caffeine is a naturally-occurring substance found in many plant species of which cocoa-beans, kola nuts, tea leaves and coffee beans are the most well-known.
A 2015 study conducted by the EFSA on caffeine safety1 concluded that moderate caffeine intake of up to 400 mg per day does not have any adverse effect on health for a healthy, non-pregnant adult population. This equates to 3-5 cups of Original Nespresso coffee, or 2-5 cups of Vertuo coffee for healthy adults, depending on the blend.
Regular espressos and lungos in the Original and Professional ranges vary from 40 to 130 mg of caffeine per cup, while Vertuo coffees range from 60 to 200 mg per cup.
Single doses (i.e. one serving or consumption occasion) of caffeine up to 200 mg from all sources do not give rise to safety concerns for the general healthy adult population (EFSA 4102, 2015)1
The intensity of a coffee does not refer to the amount of caffeine it contains. A coffee’s intensity, as defined by Nespresso, is based on coffee's degree of roasting, its body and its bitterness.

We offer a full decaffeinated range consisting of 4 Original coffees, 2 Professional coffees, and 2 Vertuo coffees to suit different taste preferences.
We decaffeinate our coffees before roasting and grinding, using only natural ingredients that are completely safe for coffee drinkers. The processes respect the environment and the coffee bean’s true nature, allowing us to maintain the strength, variety and richness of its aromas for our consumers.
The caffeine level in Nespresso decaffeinated coffees respects the strictest legal limits. However, there are always some traces of caffeine left in the bean after the processing (around 2-6mg per cup) which is why our decaffeinated coffees are not 100% caffeine-free.
Studies from the last decade report that moderate caffeine consumption, including that from coffee, is not a matter of concern for a healthy pregnancy. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can still enjoy regular coffee, however are recommended to reduce their intake to 200mg of caffeine per day1.
There are no studies available on the impact of coffee or decaffeinated coffee on children, therefore we recommend that all forms of coffee and caffeine intake be limited in children.

Nespresso coffees do not contain any source of food allergens or gluten.
A recent study by the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)’s Monographs program, states that there is no evidence to support a connection between coffee and any increased risk of cancer2.
In the past certain studies showed that coffee was found to be associated with an increased cancer risk; however, based on recent epidemiological data, the scientific community agrees that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower overall risk of cancer, especially liver and colorectal cancer.