We work with over 40 partners who bring a variety of skills, experience and knowledge to improve sustainability in producing countries such as grassroot NGOs, global financial institutions, civil society organizations, academics and other business around the world.
Our Global Partners

Acumen operates as a non-profit organisation that focuses on poverty eradication. The organisation raises charitable funds to invest equity and debt in enterprises serving low-income people and covering the following areas of focus: access to water, energy, education, and medical care.

The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a standards setting and certification organisation that recognises and fosters the responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminium. As a member-based, global initiative, ASI is the result of producers, users and stakeholders in the aluminium value chain coming together to build consensus on “responsible aluminium”.

Aspinwall Coffee, the coffee division of the legendary Aspinwall & Co. Ltd, India, has been a trusted and respected name in coffee trading circles globally for more than half a century. Being one among the pioneering enterprises to have introduced coffee processing and trade from India, Aspinwall has never let its lure for coffee die down and is today a prominent exporter and processor of finest Indian coffee beans.

Blaser Café AG is a Swiss family run business based in Bern, Switzerland. Blaser has been working with Nespresso successfully in Brazil by developing key clusters: bourbon quality in Vale da Grama and Arabica in Cerrado. It has very strong partners in the area (Wolthers in Brazil and Allanasons in India), which have successfully implemented the AAA Program.

Bluemarble Microinsurance is a consortium of eight companies with a mission to extend insurance protection to the underserved in emerging markets. It has committed to providing drought protection to smallholder farmers in Africa, addressing a largely unmet insurance need in the region.

Cafexport has been Nespresso’s supplier since 2003 and successfully implemented the AAA Program in the region of Caldas-Antioquia in Colombia, including working with specific partners in the region, such as Expocafé and FNC to guarantee the advancement of the AAA Program and its farms.

CRECE is an independent consulting and research firm based in Colombia. It has been instrumental in the development of the Monitoring and Evaluation Tool in the context of a defined Theory of Change.

CISA/MERCON is a supplier of green coffee to the international coffee roasting industry. The operation in Nicaragua is led by CISA Exportadora, the largest coffee export company in the country. Nespresso works with CISA/MERCON, as part of the AAA Program, for a cluster in Nicaragua.

Clarmondial is an independent investment advisory company that delivers financing solutions to sustainable natural resource management, particularly for agriculture and rural development in emerging markets.

DSD was the first extended producer responsibility system (EPR) to put in place a collective packaging recycling system.

Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd is a global commodity trading and processing company specialising in coffee, cotton and cocoa in major producing and consuming countries, with ancillary agricultural operations in oilseeds. Ecom is one of the world’s top 3 merchants in coffee, one of the largest coffee millers in the world. ECOM implements the AAA Program in some clusters in Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazil and India.

Efico is a Belgium based company experienced in trading and commodity sustainability projects. Efico has been working with Nespresso since its creation in 1986 and before that on a project basis within Nestlé, and has a strong international background in green coffee ever since 1926. It was chosen as supplier in Brazil and Guatemala and has successfully implemented the AAA Program in these countries.

he Fair Labor Association (FLA) is a non-profit organisation committed to protecting workers’ rights and improving working conditions worldwide by promoting adherence to international labour standards.

Fairtrade International is a non profit, multi-stakeholder association involving 25 member and associate member organisations (labelling initiatives and producer networks), traders, and external experts. Its mission is to connect producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty.

Fair Trade USA is a leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. It audits and certifies transactions between U.S. companies and their international suppliers to guarantee that the farmers and workers producing Fair Trade Certified goods are paid fair prices and wages, work in safe conditions,protect the environment and receive communitydevelopment funds to empower and uplift their communities. Nespresso is working with Fair Trade USA as part of the AAA Program in Cauca-Nariño, Colombia.

FIIT is a Guatemalan non-governmental and non-profit organisation established inMarch 1987 which promotes scientific research, protection of natural ecosystems and sustainable management of natural and agricultural ecosystems in the short, medium and long-term.

FNC is considered as one of the largest agricultural organisations representing and delivering support services to over 500,000 coffee growers in the country. Since 1927, it has provided an institutional framework for the sector which enabled Colombia to promote and export its high quality Arabica coffee to the international market.

GoodBrand is a corporate social innovation consultancy. It helps challengers create impact – delivering value for society and for their brand and business.

IDH accelerates and up-scales sustainable trade by building impact oriented coalitions of front running multinationals, civil society organisations, governments and other stakeholders. Nespressohas cooperated with IDH as part of its Agroforestry Program as well as its AAA Program in Ethiopia.

The Institute of Agricultural and Forest Management and Certification – Imaflora – is a civil non-profit association, founded in Piracicaba, in the interior of São Paulo, in 1995. Born under the premise that the best way to conserve tropical forests is to give them an economic destination, combined with good management practices and responsible management of natural resources. Imaflora believes that environmental certification is one of the tools that respond to part of the challenge with strong inducer power of local sustainable development in the forestry and agricultural sectors.

INCAE Business school is a non-profit organisation based in Costa Rica, devoted to teaching and research endeavours in the fields of business and economics, with training programs for leaders. CIMS is a non-profit organisation based in Costa Rica focused on sustainable agricultural value chains and smallholder farmers throughout Latin America. It provides evidence-based research and strategic advice to the private, public and NGO sectors.

IPÊ – Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas is a Brazilian non-governmental organisation that works for the conservation of the country’s biodiversity, through science, education and sustainable business. Founded in 1992, it holds the title of Oscip – Civil Society Organization of Public Interest, and its headquarters is in Nazaré Paulista (SP).

IRI’s mission is to enhance society’s capability to understand, anticipate and manage the impacts of climate in order to improve human welfare and the environment, especially in developing countries. The IRI conducts this mission through strategic and applied research, education, capacity building, and by providing forecasts and information products with an emphasis on practical and verifiable utility and partnership.

IUCN is a membership union composed of both government and civil society organisations. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its 1,300 member organisations and the input of some 15,000 experts. IUCN is the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.

Kancha S.A.S. is an organisation specialised in change management and organisational development. It provides solutions through consulting, facilitation, coaching, training, and the development and implementation of strategies designed to transfer knowledge. By documenting this, people are able to harness the knowledge base of their organisation.

NaturaCert is an initiative of Fundación Natura, which has been designed to offer services of certification and verification of nationaland international standards for Colombian sustainable agricultural products. NaturaCert’s mission is to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity through the provision of these services, to contribute to the strengthening and competitiveness of the products and services of its clients.

Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG) is the worldwide leading green coffee service group. With its unique cross-cultural network they are present in all important coffee production and consuming markets around the globe. All companies operate as independent profit centres offering a broad range of quality services and products along the green coffee value chain. NKG’s business activities are geared towards creating long-term profitability and responsible business conduct. It stands for reliability and fairness when bringing together the interests of producers and roasters.

Olam is one of the world’s largest coffee companies, with over 20 years in the business and a strong presence in almost all of the large coffee-producing regions which is well-supported by an extensive network of marketing offices across the world’s coffee consuming countries. It provides a comprehensive supply chain solution that links millions of coffee growers to roaster clients, specialising in every supply chain stage from procurement, wet and dry milling, classification, transportation and risk management, to marketing processed coffees in its target markets.

PlaNet Guarantee is a platform for innovation in the field of inclusive insurance and social protection. Operating as a consulting and brokerage firm, PlaNet Guarantee implements innovations in the fields of health, life, index insurance and is operating in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Its vision is a rapid generalisation of inclusive social protection in the world, with a mission to design and implement innovative and technological solutions that push the boundaries of insurance accessibility. PlaNet Guarantee has developed solutions in credit insurance, life insurance, crop index insurance and health insurance.

Productos y Procesos Sustentables is the official accredited entity in Mexico which offers and provides audits and certification services under the requirements established by the Sustainable Agriculture Network, Rainforest Alliance Certified, Tool Assessment Sustainable Quality (TASQ) tool and common code for the coffee community (4Cs). PPS’ objective is to promote social development and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Pur Projet is a social business which assists companies and communities in the deploymentof ecosystem projects, with the objective of delivering long-term resilience within their value chain. PUR Projet is B Corp certified.

Quantis guides top organisations to define, shape and implement intelligent environmental sustainability solutions though the life cycle thinking. Quantis delivers resilient strategies, robust metrics, useful tools, and credible communications.

The Rainforest Alliance’s ambitious mission is to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer behaviour. Since 1987 its work has been guided by understanding that the health of the Earth is linked to the well-being of those whose livelihoods depend on the land and forests. The Rainforest Alliance provides training to farmers and foresters, works with businesses committed to sustainability, and motivates citizens to adopt sustainable lifestyles.

Root Capital is an agricultural impact investor that grows rural prosperity in poor, environmentally vulnerable places in Africa and Latin America by lending capital, delivering financial training, and strengthening market connections for small and growing agricultural businesses.

The Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) is an association of NGOs that started its activities in 1997, and was legally established with headquarters in Mexico in January 2010. The SAN is a group of international non-profit organisations working for the conservation of biodiversity and rural development. Its vision of the world is one where agricultural activity contributes to biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods.

SKN Caribecafe has a long tradition in Colombia, active in the coffee export activity for more than 65 years and recognised as a reliable and quality oriented Colombian coffee supplier. Their mission is to contribute to Colombian coffee activity by further developing their role as distributors of Colombian coffee while working for the social, economic and general welfare of the coffee community. Since 2003, SKN has participated in sustainability projects in several coffee zones, the AAA Nespresso Program in Huila being the largest, most comprehensive program under execution.

Sofies is a sustainability consulting and project management firm composed of a team of 30+ consultants and a large network of partners and experts.

TechnoServe is a leader in harnessing the power of the private sector to help people lift themselves out of poverty. A non-profit organisation operating in 29 countries, TechnoServe works with enterprising people in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses and industries. With nearly 50 years of proven results, TechnoServe has helped millions to create lasting prosperity for their families and communities.

The World Bank Group, established in 1944, is an international organisation made up of 189 member countries and consisting of five financial institutions with the mission to end extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity. One of its institutions, IFC, is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector. IFC helps developing countries achieve sustainable growth by financing investment, mobilising capital in international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments.

TOTAL Impact Capital specialises in sourcing and developing private investment opportunities that are socially and financially attractive. It also designs innovative, sustainable financial solutions for governments and non-profits to support their missions.

The Institute for Sustainability Leadership within the University of Cambridge’s School of Technology is dedicated to working with leaders from business, government and civil society on the critical global challenges of the 21st century.

USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realise their potential. Recognising coffee’s contribution to poverty reduction and development, USAID devotes significant resources to improving the productivity and incomes of smallholder coffee producers in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, in particular through Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative. USAID is the largest donor to South Sudan.

Volcafe is one of the world’s largest and oldest sourcing companies for green coffee, supplying Nespresso with coffee from two countries. Since 2005, Volcafe has been implementing the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program in two clusters in Costa Rica, providing training and technical assistance to over 1,800 farmers. Since 2012, Volcafe has also implemented the AAA Program in the Cundinamarca cluster in Colombia.

WBCSD is a global, CEO-led organisation of forward-thinking companies that galvanises the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment. WBCSD has been an NSAB member since 2015.